Saturday, January 30, 2010

Retail therapy. Not for me this time.

It's dark and rumbling outside. It's threatening to be a storm, but it feels like it's almost scared to even drizzle.

A bit like a dog who barks at everyone passing by but is wearing a cone on his head and is locked behind the gates :(

You feel kinda sorry for the dog but at the same time are glad that he's not on the loose to bite you.

Anyway, it was a really blazing hot day today. Went to Telawi with Sharry Berry cuz she needed some retail therapy after working 6 day weeks for the past few weeks. Poor her. And not being compensated by the company either. That's why working in Malaysia sucks.

And that's why I know I would be really really unhappy working here in a company.

One of the shops we went to was Zara. They're having a clearance sale and I wanted to check it out. The one in Bangsar Village isn't as well-stocked as the one in Mid Valley, but I decided to take a look anyway. It wasn't that great. Everything was really expensive, and there was nothing really fashion forward there. Just the usual 'Zara look'. Very classic, nice but almost boring.

The only interesting way they made their clothes would perhaps be the texture and material. I saw two black and white striped jackets, but decided that I didn't have the money to buy any of them. Because of all the maintenance on my car that I've had to fork out for.

(Yesterday I found out I had to fork out another RM600 for a major service on my car. Okay, Mumsy Bumsy offered to pay, but I think if I can afford to, I'll pay her back.)

I love jackets! Since I've nothing else to do before the delicious-smelling dinner of chicken and potato that Mumsy Bumsy has just made, I think I'll look for some nice jackets to post up here.

(Actually, I DO have work to do by Monday - geez, who asks someone to do work over the weekend? Maybe I should charge more - but that can wait till tomorrow.)

McQ By Alexander McQueen Tuxedo Blazer £395 on

Diesel Super Draped Parka £195 on

Knitted Textured Cardigan £35 on

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