Friday, February 23, 2007

PHOTOS: NY2007 @ Somo

As promised, here are some handpicked New Year's (not Chinese, those will come later) photos, courtesy of SweetJo, whose Multiply site is linked on the right of the page.

A big thanks to her for not putting up compromising photos of me :P

SweetJo and moi.

SharryBerry and me looking a little too happy to be 'normal'.

AAJase destroying poor Fatt's cute face!

Fatts getting his own back. And Gary looking awfully macho.

Chia looking like he's predicting the future of carrying me back to Sharry's!

All of us - and my Big Foot.

Gary looking a little worse for wear.

OMG... ME looking a little worse for wear.

FairyJoyce and SweetJo sharing a cheesy moment.

Boys taking the photo op to grope each other again, as usual.

What am I doing? I don't remember. I think Teng's trying to avoid me in that mood too.

Happy friends.

Jess, Sharry Berry, me and the Stryker.

Photo opportunity

Time to Wii

Was at Fatt's house last night playing with Nain's new Wii.

My right arm now hurts SO BAD from playing tennis! Fun games but I don't find them very addictive. The thing about the Wii is that it's physical, so you can't really be playing it nonstop for hours like how you can with other consoles.

Wii design is really nice and sleek though, almost (dare I say it) Mac-like.

I'm getting quite fed up about thinking of the best dates to celebrate my birthday next month. I've 3/4 of a mind to just cancel the whole bloody thing and ask Malaysian Devil to come up for the weekend!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

PHOTOS: At work and at play

Pics of me working during my stint at 789, the bartender par excellence :P

Haven't been there in a while now but I love the peeps there, so friendly, so... as Mel would say, "Cappucino!". Mumsy Bumsy was so great to ask them to celebrate my birthday early during my shift. I rarely get huge birthday surprises with so many people so it was brilliant! After our briefing for the night ahead, they asked us to wait a bit, and then out came a huge brownie cake JUST FOR ME! Wowowow :) Thanks Mumsy and all you guys at 789! It was special!

Liza, BabyAmanda, Sham, Mel (behind), me and Mumsy Bumsy.

Liza and moi. Great chick she is.

Me and Atun, I call her Big Lady Boss cuz she always knows everything that goes on.

Professional bartender me.

CoolFrankie the bartender who won 2006 Cocktail of the Year. Love that guy.

PHOTOS: Official Launch of 789 @ Ascott KL

April Fool's Day 2006, official launch of 789, the chic new resto/bar in town.

The theme was white and boy, oh boy, was it dazzling and dripping with beautiful people! I didn't take many personal pictures. I remember taking a picture with Elaine Daly but can't remember which party at 789 that was. Think it was a watch (clocks and watches) party.

Anyway here are some beautiful people...

Some weird space vintage creatures from Planet Aluminium et moi. Love those slippers. Unfortunately I tore them apart a few months ago.

Dancers from Planet Plastic. What the heck are they using as props? Still, they were funny.

Edwin Sumun and me being all intoxicated and stuffff. Sexy!

Don't sue me, these two may not have any relation to each other at all, but don't you think they're so good-looking they belong together?.

Sofia and Julia who were seniors in my school although they probably don't remember lil ol' me.

To old friends!

So I hear that old Kiangs is back for a bit.

I haven't seen him in years! Fatts says they're going out tonight for dinner at Mid Valley. Tempting, but... I'm off to Penang tomorrow for CNY with dad, so need to pack, spend some time with Mumsy Bumsy and spend the rest of the time with Heroes and Elleh Bo Belleh.

Hey, Sharry Berry and all ya peeps out there, call me for drinks/partying with Kiangs... cuz I'm FREE I'M FREE!!!

OTE closed yesterday during normal working hours (gasp!) and I was in such a good mood yesterday I patiently let several cars into my lane after work. Which, I might mention, didn't even receive a single wave of thanks from them rich buggers (all in BMWs and Mercs... unforgivable!).

Oh before I forget, I must display my first OTE cover here for all to see. Hmm, I guess I'll put it on the sidebar like Nicky C does on his egomaniacal blog - can't remember the URL now, refresh my memory!

Cheers all! (in a relatively good mood today)

Bienvenue à Asie, Charly!

A big shout out to Charles who has just stepped foot into the jungles of Southeast Asia for the next 6 months.


I will be coming to see you soon, at the end of March. Quand tu habite confortablement dans la Singapour, viens me visiter, ok?!

Another round of the Birthday Wish List!

As my birthday's coming up soon and people will be asking what I want, here's the Ultimate Birthday Wish List of the Year of the Boar (for me, anyway)!

In no particular order...

Birthday WIsh List 2007 #1

  • A standalone oven big enough to bake cakes and muffins
  • The new iMac desktop
  • Funky or vintage home decor
  • A payrise
  • Lots and lots of interesting, humourous books to read à la Jeremy Clarkson (but I've read those already) and Susanna Clarke (also read both books)
  • Venice and Paris again. Alternatively, another romantic place in Italy or Mykonos in Greece.

What NOT to get

  • Earrings
  • Photoframes
  • Damned useless and ugly ornaments
  • Food
  • Cups and mugs or any other cutlery and tableware