Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Rome again

I think the Top 3 of Rome for me would be :

  1. Handsome Italian guys
  2. Amazingly delicious and really cheap roadside pizza
  3. Like-no-other gelato

Full denim outfits again!

Me and G at Piazza Navona

Amazing amazing amazing... gelato...

This huge hulk of a building is not a church, not a museum, not a place, not a court of justice... it is a monument. The Vittorio Emmanuel monument... it kinda beats our Tugu Negara, don't you think?

You may recognise the next 3 pictures if you watched MI:3 - this... is... The Vatican. And that's St Peter's Basilica.

Look how many people there are!!!!! But amazingly it took less than an hour to get in (probably woulda been faster without irritating Italians and Frenchies cutting the queue).

In MI:3, this is just further up the road where the designated driver (Jonathan Rhys-Meyers) pretends to have engine trouble on his... was it DHL truck?

Monday, May 22, 2006

Arrivederci Roma

More, more, MORE pix of Roma!

Check out the SIZE of the Pantheon's columns compared to the itty bitty people!

That's a peek to the side of the Pantheon. It's basically a ginormous circular hall.

Me & G at the side of the Pantheon.

Caricatura at the Campo de' Fiori - this special one comes with cigarette ash on your extra large nose. Worth it, I say!

Kids playing near the fountain at the "Field of Flowers".

The square is lined with these al fresco dining areas charging exorbitant prices, but which serve food that's surprisingly good for a tourist area.

You can tell they ain't no Romans by the ugly backpack and lousy dressing...

...maybe they should think about getting a designer handbag or two from these guys...

...so these two Romans stop dissing them...

...and all this theatre being watched by two guys in a balcony seat.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Roma Roma Roma!!

Here's the beginning of the Roman holiday.

Rome wasn't what I expected... I guess it was a little like Paris, but... older. Found it a little dirty... and teens are VERY fashionable in a haphazard, rugged way. It was also the first time in 10 years that I discovered denim jackets and jeans paired together is still considered fashionable (eeww...). Another discovery - big, black glasses (fake, of course) and lots of cheering in metro stations are part of the young Roman's life.

The best part about Rome is - EASILY 90% of young Roman guys are HOT!!!

The worst (and funniest) part of Rome is seeing Grandpa G lining up in a non-existent "queue" 7 people wide, with 4 people directly in front of him, taking half an hour to buy 2 metro tickets.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Lottery tickets! Get me some!

Dining al fresco

At the side of the Pantheon - which by the way, is very impressive, huge and old

Girl eating ice cream in front of the Pantheon. Not sure if she's Roman, but judging by the glasses... she may be...

Roman kids outside the Pantheon (check out the girl on far right with denim jacket and jeans!! yux!)

The Pantheon

Fake designer bags and sunglasses are normally not very far from fit Nigerian dudes on the lookout for the really smart-looking Carabinieri

Boring modern Roman building

More interesting faded, peeling old Roman building with al fresco dining

Monday, May 15, 2006

Pictures pictures pictures! And where's my Flooble??

Okay I know it's been gone for quite a while... how sad! They shut me down cuz not enough people were writing things in it so they thought it wasn't in use anymore. Looks like you guys will have to post comments now instead. Hah - like you will! You people just take and take and never give back!

Here - take some more pictures of mine then!!

Goofin around at the Market Drayton canal

At Birmingham's coolest place - The Mailbox

On another note, I just poured myself a glass of ice lemon tea from the hugest carton... ever! It was 2 litres! Even Pepsi and Coke bottles are only 1.5 litres. And this was a paper carton! I'd take a picture of it for you guys but... I'm just too lazy.