Friday, March 17, 2006

Those were the days

Before I forget, I gotta recommend the song Umi Says by Mos Def on his Black on Both Sides album. It's great! I'll try to put it up on this blog as soon as I have time.

Yesterday I reached home from work and the gas man (man who drives around in a lorry selling gas stove gas tanks) was just making his round on my road. See, my road is on a dead end and anyone who turns in here has to make a U-turn to get back out. Poor guy has to do this every single time he does his rounds without the guarantee of someone buying his tanks! And I wondered - with the huge increase in petrol prices now, how do people like him cope? (Eg. the "paper lama" guy and "roti man") Their job is driving around without any assurance that they will get business. Sure, they can raise the prices of their goods but then people would complain and their goods might end up being the same prices as those the hypermarkets sell for.

I don't know what the situation is exactly but I just feel that every day's a hard day for these people. So let's do our part as Malaysians, remember what it was like in the old days (okay, maybe 10 years ago) and support these gas, roti and paper lama dudes.

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